
Here you'll find new evidence and guidance from various sources across a variety of conditions of relevance to different audiences.

VR In The Workplace

This is Episode 1 of our podcast series on technology that is radically changing our idea of worker health solutions. Here, we focus on Virtual Reality. Pretty neat, huh?

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Healthy Work Agenda - Healthy Work Campaign

The Healthy Work Agenda is designed to promote understanding, discussions, and actions that advance “healthy work.” (See Principles of Healthy Work.) Created to support the Healthy Work Campaign, the Agenda is a set of actions to improve the quality of jobs and promote “healthy work.” Those actions are part of an effort to encourage “thinking …

Study Summary: Complex Case Management and New Technology
doctor connecting data

The Center for Workforce Health and Performance (CWHP) will study the outcomes of employee populations after pharmacogenomics are facilitated, case managed, and applied in high-risk, highly complex plan members.

RX-Precision — Genomic Study | RX-Precision
diagram of medical complexity

Find information on study enrollment and the care and testing process

Population Health to Personalized Medicine: Connecting Disease Indicators to Work Outcomes - Diabetes

The CWHP report "Population Health to Personlized Medicine: Connecting Disease Indicators to Work Outcomes - Type 2 Diabetes" presents a framework for connecting disease indicators of diabetes to a variety of work outcomes including absence, job performance, work disability and permanent departure from the workforce. The framework outlines connections between clinical and employer perspectives around worker health and suggests a variety of ways to improve diagnosis and treatment for better health and work-related outcomes.

How Employers Use Evidence to Make Employee Health Investment Decisions

The CWHP report "The Employer's Role in Using Research-Based Healthcare Evidence" presents findings and recommendations from a series of interviews with employers and their programmatic solutions partners.  

Migraine Impacts Employers in both Health Care Spend and Lost Productivity Per Integrated Benefits Institute Study | Integrated Benefits Institute

For every 1,000 U.S. employees, nearly half a million dollars in excess health care treatments and lost time is attributable to back pain.

Cancer in the Workplace - Supporting Treatment for Positive Employee and Employer Results

The big “C” – cancer — can cause panic and feelings of helplessness. These feelings, however, often are shared beyond the patients being screened or treated for the disease. Employers often are unsure of how to help their employees who have been diagnosed with cancer and desire to remain at work during treatment or return to work after care.

IBI Benchmarking Analytics: Disability Leaves for Five Common Types of Cancer | Integrated Benefits Institute
Health and Productivity Impact of Chronic Conditions: Depression and Other Mood Disorders | Integrated Benefits Institute

Check-out IBI's downloadable reports and infographics